Now that you know your area pretty well it's time for you to do some research into what lives and grows in your Research area. This phase of the project can be done at home using books and the internet.
Some great books and reference material that you can purchase would be;
A Pocket Naturalist Guide: Animal Tracks
National Geographic Pocket Guide: Birds of North America
National Geographic Pocket Guide: Insects of North America
National Geographic Pocket Guide: Mammals of North America
National Geographic Pocket Guide: Reptiles & Amphibians
National Geographic Pocket Guide: Trees & Shrubs
National Geographic Pocket Guide: Wildflowers of North America
Tracker’s Field Guide: A Comprehensive Manual For Animal Tracking
A great website for reference as well is - You can select your area and it will show you the wildlife and plants that are known to be in that area. There's is a MOL App for your phone as well.
Keep in mind that these reference materials won't have everything but it's enough to get you started down the endless path of everything that can be in your area.
While you are doing your research make a list of all the wildlife in your area. This will be helpful to keep track of them when you start to Monitor the area.
Personal Progress:
Fossils: I contacted the Bureau of Land Management Geologists for my area about the fossil beds I found and they said that most likely my Research area is within the conglomerates, sandstone, and siltstone units of the Lower Pliocene Towsley formation. Yes, I know - I was scratching my head too. These rocks formed when this area was under a shallow sea, 50-200 feet, about 2 to 4 million years ago.
Mammals in the area:
Black Bear
Brush Rabbit
Cotton Rat
Cotton Tail Rabbit
Deer Mouse
Gray Fox
Gray Squirrel
Ground Squirrel
Leafed-nosed Bat
Mountain Lion
Mule Deer
Pocket Mouse
Birds in the Area:
Acorn Woodpecker
Anna’s Hummingbird
Black-headed Grosbeak
Brown Headed Cowbird
Calliope Hummingbird
California Quail
Costa’s Hummingbird
Cooper’s Hawk
Dark Eyed Junco
Desert Tarantula
Hermit Thrush
Hooded Oriole
Horned Lark
Morning Dove
Downy Woodpecker
Great Horned Owl
Great-tailed Grackle
Lesser Goldfinch
Redtail Hawk
Road Runner
Say’s Phoebe Flycatcher
Song Sparrow
Spotted Towhee
Swainson’s Hawk
Tree Sparrow
Turkey Vulture
Western Meadowlark
Western Wood-Pewee
Western Scrub Jay
Yellow Warbler
Reptiles in the Area:
California Blackheaded Snake
California King Snake
California Toad
California Tree Frog
California Whipsnake
Desert Horned Lizard
Desert Spiny Lizard
Diamondback Rattlesnake
Garter Snake
Gopher Snake
Racer Snake
Side-blotched Lizard
Spotted Whiptail Lizard
Western Fence Lizard
Insects in the Area:
Bark Scorpion
Black Ground Beatle
Black Widow
Blister Beetle
Buckeye Butterfly
Cabbage White Butterfly
Carpenter Ant
Carpenter Bee
Cricket Hunter Wasp
Desert Tarantula
Field Cricket
Fire Ants
Flesh Fly
Goldenrod Spider
Grass Spider
Grizzled Skipper Butterfly
Honey Bee
Jerusalem Cricket
Large Bee Fly
Mason Bee
Milkweed Bug
Monarch Butterfly
Mud Wasp
Painted Lady Butterfly
Paper Wasp
Pallid-winged Grasshopper
Red Ants
Silver-Blue Butterfly
Stink Bug
Tarantula Wasp
Thread-waisted Wasp
Trap door Spider
Velvet Ant
Wolf Spider
Visit our "A Field Guide to California Wildflowers" to see
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Helinox Chair One
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