Normally I start my hike as the sun is coming up to have a better chance of seeing wildlife and I take a different game trail each time to see if there is any Mt. Lion activity to log and place on a map to try and figure out its travel patterns.
About a mile and a half into the morning hike I came upon a large pool of blood and some drag marks from a smaller pool of blood. My approach scared away a fox that was licking up blood and he left a little present before he ran away (poop to the left on my shoe in the picture). The kill site was somewhat recent, the blood was still damp and just starting to get sticky. I cautiously scanned the area for a carcass or a protective cougar, but it was clear of both. I attempted to see where the deer was dragged off, I was not able to follow through the thick brush, but there was a small leg bone from a deer. Unfortunately, I believe the leg belonged to a fawn that was a regular in the area. Often I would see a Doe with her two fawns traversing this same valley and on the other side of the ridge in the afternoons, recently she only had one fawn at her side.

Mt. Lion Sighting from Game camera on 7/23/22

Mt. Lion Tracks and Kill signs

Deer Sightings

Stay tuned for an update on my quest to get eye-to-eye with a Puma.