Birds inhabit every continent and are among the most diverse vertebrate groups on Earth. Birds occur on land, sea, and freshwater, and in virtually every habitat, from the lowest deserts to the highest mountains. Granted there are birds that are flightless but most birds can fly, and fly great distances during migrations to mate or just avoid cold weather. North American Arctic Terns fly about 24,000+ miles each year from Northern continents to Antarctica and in some cases non-stop. Another amazing fact about some migrating birds is they can also fly at extreme altitudes. Commercial pilots have been known to see Geese and Cranes at over 30,000 feet flying.
There are more than 10,000 different bird species around the world and of those, there are over 2,000 different Birds that call North America home.
Most of us will only see a fraction of them in our lifetime. Even fewer of us will recognize the many different species of birds. The best way to keep track of the birds you come across is with a camera. Below are photos of birds we have taken over the years, and have put a name and some details to them to help you out.
Last Updated: 3/10/24
COUNT: 124 - Stay tuned, more birds are to come with each outing.
Acorn Woodpecker (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Oak Woods, Foothills Migrates: No Notes: | |
Allen's Hummingbird (Female) Range: West coast North America Habitat: Scrubby or brushy slopes, riparian areas Migrates: Notes: | |
Allen's Hummingbird (Male) Range: West coast North America Habitat: Scrubby or brushy slopes, riparian areas Migrates: Notes: | |
American Coot Range: North America Habitat: Ponds, Lakes, Marshes Migrates: South Notes: | |
American Coot (Juvenile) Range: North America Habitat: Ponds, Lakes, Marshes Migrates: South Notes: | |
American Dipper Range: Western North America Habitat: Fast moving streams Migrates: Notes: | |
American Flamingo Range: Southern Florida, Bahamas, Mexico Habitat: Lagoons, Tidal flats, swamps Migrates: Yucatan / Bahamas Notes: | |
American Kestrel (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Open land, wood edges, farmland Migrates: South Notes: | |
American Robin (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Everywhere Migrates: No Notes: | |
American Wigeon (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Lakes, Bays, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
American Wigeon (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Lakes, Bays, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
Anna's Hummingbird Range: North America Habitat: Open Woods, Gardens, Chaparral Migrates: South Notes: | |
Arctic Tern Range: Arctic North America Habitat: Open Ocean, Islands, Coasts Migrates: Inland Notes: | |
Ash-Throated Flycatcher Range: Western North America Habitat: Semiarid country, deserts, brush, chaparral, open woods Migrates: South Notes: | |
Bald Eagle (Adult) Range: North America Habitat: Coasts, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains Migrates: No Notes: | |
Band-Tailed Pigeon Range: North America Habitat: Oak canyons, foothills, chaparral, mountain forests Migrates: Notes: | |
Belted Kingfisher (Male) Range: Northern America Habitat: Streams, Lakes, Bays, Coastlines Migrates: South Notes: | |
Black-billed Magpie Range: Northern America Habitat: Rangeland, Forest Edges, Farms Migrates: Notes: | |
Black-chinned Hummingbird (Female) Range: Western North America Habitat: Semiarid, Woodlands, Canyons Migrates: Notes: | |
Black-chinned Hummingbird (Male) Range: Western North America Habitat: Semiarid, Woodlands, Canyons Migrates: Notes: | |
Black-crowned Night Heron Range: Western North America Habitat: Marshes, Ponds, Lakes Migrates: South Notes: | |
Black-necked Stilt Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, mudflats Migrates: South Notes: | |
Black Phoebe Range: Western North America Habitat: Streams, Canyons, Parks Migrates: South Notes: | |
Black Vulture Range: Southern North America Habitat: Wet lowland areas Migrates: No Notes: | |
Blue Jay Range: Mid-west North America Habitat: Oak & Pine Woods, Groves,Towns Migrates: Notes: | |
Brown Pelican Range: North America Coastline Habitat: Ocean, Beaches, Bays Migrates: No Notes: | |
Bufflehead Range: North America Habitat: Lakes, Ponds, Rivers Migrates: South Notes: | |
California Condor Range: California, Arizona, Utah Habitat: Mountains, Canyons, Foothills Migrates: No Notes: Endangered Species | |
California Quail (Male) Range: Western North America Habitat: Woodland Edges, Chaparral, Dry open areas Migrates: Notes: | |
California Thrasher Range: Western North America Habitat: Dense brush, scrub oak, along desert streams, thickets Migrates: Notes: | |
California Towhee Range: South Western North America Habitat: Brushy areas, chaparral, canyons Migrates: No Notes: | |
Calliope Hummingbird (Female) Range: Western North America Habitat: Mountains, Canyons Migrates: South Notes: | |
Canadian Goose Range: North America Habitat: Any place there's water... Migrates: South Notes: | |
Canadian Goose Gosling Range: North America Habitat: Any place there's water... Migrates: South Notes: | |
Cassin's Kingbird Range: Midwest North America Habitat: Semiopen Country, Mountains, Groves Migrates: South Notes: | |
Chipping Sparrow Range: North America Habitat: Open woods, Orchards, Towns Migrates: South Notes: | |
Cinnamon Teal (Female) Range: Western North America Habitat: Marshes, Ponds, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
Cinnamon Teal (Male) Range: Western North America Habitat: Marshes, Ponds, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
Common Yellowthroat (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Woodlands, Swamps Migrates: South Notes: | |
Coopers Hawk (Adult) Range: North America Habitat: Open woodlands, Forests, Dry open areas Migrates: South Notes: | |
Coopers Hawk (Juvenile) Range: North America Habitat: Open woodlands, Forests, Dry open areas Migrates: South Notes: | |
Costa's Hummingbird (Male) Range: Western North America Habitat: Deserts, Chaparrel, Hillsides Migrates: South Notes: | |
Crow Range: North America Habitat: Everywhere Migrates: No Notes: | |
Dark-eyed Junco (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Open woods, Brush Migrates: South Notes: |
Fearless Snake Hunter - The Roadrunner uses a bizarre method to hunt venomous snakes. It will fluff its feathers, spread its wings and taunt the snake to strike! The roadrunner tries to keep far enough away so that when the snake strikes, it may only graze the feathers, missing the skin. A Roadrunner will make a snake strike three or four times to wear it down or continue to taunt it until the striking stops. At that point, the Roadrunner uses its large bill as a weapon and strikes the snake's head a couple of times. Afterward, it picks up the snake and whips it around until dead. Bird Trivia ~Stan Tekiela
Double-Crested Cormorant Range: Western North America Habitat: Coasts, Lakes, Rivers Migrates: Notes: | |
Great Blue Heron Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Swamps, Shores Migrates: Notes: More Details | |
Great Egret Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Ponds, Shores, Mudflats Migrates: Southern Central America Notes: | |
Greater Yellowlegs Sandpiper Range: North America Habitat: Wetlands, Bogs Migrates: South Notes: | |
Green-winged Teal (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Ponds, Shores Migrates: Southern Central America Notes: | |
Grey Heron Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Swamps, Shores Migrates: Notes: | |
Ground Dove (Juvenile) Range: North America Habitat: Open Woods, Fields, Grasslands Migrates: South Notes: | |
Heeman's Gull (Juvenile) Range: Western North America Habitat: Ocean, Coastlines Migrates: Notes: | |
Herring Gull Range: North America Habitat: Oceans, Coasts, Bays Migrates: South Notes: | |
Hooded Merganser (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Wooded Lakes, Ponds, Rivers Migrates: South Notes: | |
Hooded Merganser (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Wooded Lakes, Ponds, Rivers Migrates: South Notes: | |
Hooded Oriole (Male) Range: Western North America Habitat: Open Woods, Shade Trees Migrates: South Notes: | |
House Finch (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Cities, Suburbs, prefers drier habitats Migrates: Notes: | |
House Sparrow (Male) Range: North / Central America Habitat: Cities, Towns, Farms Migrates: Notes: | |
Iceland Gull Range: Eastern North America Habitat: Ocean, Coastline, Lakes Migrates: Notes: Visits west coast | |
Killdeer Plover Range: North / Central America Habitat: Shores, Mudflats Migrates: South Notes: |
Head-Turners - No, owls cannot twist their heads all the way around, as some people think. With 14 vertebrae in their necks (people have half as many), owls can turn their heads to an incredible 280 degrees. Bird Trivia ~Stan Tekiela
Lesser Goldfinch Range: North America Habitat: Open Woods, Fields, Grasslands Migrates: Southwest North America Notes: | |
Lesser Yellowlegs Range: Northern America Habitat: Marshes, Mudflats, Ponds Migrates: South Notes: | |
Mallard Duck (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Lakes, Ponds, Rivers Migrates: Southern North America Notes: | |
Mallard Duck (Juvenile) Range: North America Habitat: Lakes, Ponds, Rivers Migrates: Southern North America Notes: | |
Mallard Duck (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Lakes, Ponds, Rivers Migrates: Southern North America Notes: | |
Mockingbird Range: Southern / Central America Habitat: Towns, Parks, Gardens Migrates: Notes: | |
Morning Dove Range: North America Habitat: Open Woods, Fields, Grasslands Migrates: South Notes: | |
Muscovy Duck Range: Tropical America Habitat: Ponds, Wooded Rivers, Backwaters Migrates: Notes: Scarce | |
Mute Swan Range: North America Habitat: Ponds, Coastal Bays, Lagoons Migrates: South Notes: | |
Northern Flicker Red Shafted (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Open forests, woodlands Migrates: Notes: Member of the Woodpecker family | |
Northern Flicker Yellow Shafted (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Open forests, woodlands Migrates: Notes: Member of the Woodpecker family | |
Northern Harrier Range: North America Habitat: Fields, Farmland, Prairies Migrates: South Notes: | |
Northern Pintail (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Prairies, Ponds, Lakes, Salt Bays Migrates: South Notes: | |
Northern Pintail (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Prairies, Ponds, Lakes, Salt Bays Migrates: South Notes: | |
Northern Shoveler (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Ponds Migrates: Southern Central America Notes: | |
Osprey Range: North America Habitat: Rivers, Lakes, Marshes, Coasts Migrates: Southern Central America Notes: | |
Peregrine Falcon Range: North America Habitat: Cliffs, Cities Migrates: South Notes: | |
Phainopepla Flycatcher (Male) Range: Southwest North America Habitat: Desert scrub, foothills Migrates: No Notes: | |
Pied-Billed Grebe Range: North America Habitat: Ponds, Lakes, Salt Bays Migrates: South Notes: | |
Prairie Falcon Range: Mid-west to Western North America Habitat: Open country, deserts, marshes Migrates: Yes Notes: | |
Raven Range: North America Habitat: Northern or desert areas Migrates: No Notes: | |
Red-crowned Parrot Range: Mexico, Southern California Habitat: Coastal Areas, Fruit Trees Migrates: No Notes: Population in Southern California is largers the natural population in Mexico | |
Red-Necked Grebe Range: North America Habitat: Lakes, Ponds, Marshes Migrates: South to warmer areas Notes: | |
Red-Shouldered Hawk Range: North America Habitat: Woodlands, Canyons, Valleys Migrates: South to warmer areas Notes: Rare find in my backyard | |
Red-Tailed Hawk Range: North America Habitat: Woodlands, Prairie groves, Mountains Migrates: South to warmer areas Notes: | |
Red-Whiskered Bulbul Range: North America Habitat: Suburbs Migrates: No Notes: Escaped from an aviary in the Miami area in 1960 originally from India | |
Red-winged Blackbird Range: North America Habitat: Swamps, Marshes, Prairies, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
Ring-Billed Gull Range: North America Habitat: Coasts, Lakes, Ponds, Dumps Migrates: West Notes: | |
Ring-Necked Duck (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Wooded lakes, ponds Migrates: South Notes: | |
Ring-Necked Duck (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Wooded lakes, ponds Migrates: South Notes: | |
Roadrunner Range: Western North America Habitat: Arid and Semiarid Scrubland Migrates: No Notes: | |
Rock Pigeon Range: North America Habitat: Cities, Bridges, Parks Migrates: Notes: | |
Ross Goose Range: North America Habitat: Fields, Tundra, Ponds, Bays Migrates: South Notes: | |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Forests, Woodlans Migrates: South Notes: | |
Rudy Duck (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Marsh, Lake Ponds Migrates: South Notes: | |
Rudy Duck (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Marsh, Lake Ponds Migrates: South Notes: | |
Savannah Sparrow Range: North America Habitat: Meadows, Marshes, Prairies, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
Say's Phoebe Range: North America Habitat: Fields, open areas, Canyons Migrates: South Notes: | |
Scaly-Breasted Munia Range: California / Florida Habitat: Fields, Forest Edges near water Migrates: Notes: Originated from China | |
Scrub Jay Range: North America Habitat: Foothills, Woodlands, Parks Migrates: No Notes: | |
Short-eared Owl Range: North America Habitat: Fields, open areas Migrates: South to avoid snow cover Notes: | |
Swainson's Hawk Range: Mid-west to Western North America Habitat: Fields, Plains, Grassland Migrates: Notes: | |
Mute Birds - While many birds are known for their wonderful songs, others are silent more often than not. Vultures, such as the Turkey Vultures, are mostly mute, making only occasional grunts and groans. Bird Trivia ~Stan Tekiela
Snowy Egret Range: North America Habitat: Marshes, Ponds, Shores Migrates: Southern Central America Notes: | |
Song Sparrow Range: North America Habitat: Thickets, Brush, Marshes, Gardens Migrates: South Notes: | |
Spotted Towhee (Male) Range: Midwest to Western United States Habitat: Open woods, undergrowth Migrates: Notes: | |
Thayer's Gull Range: North America Habitat: Oceans, Coasts, Bays Migrates: Notes: | |
Tiger Heron Range: Southern North America Habitat: Coast Migrates: Notes: | |
Tundra Swan Range: North America Habitat: Bays, Lakes, Large Rivers Migrates: South Notes: | |
Turkey Vulture Range: North America Habitat: Everywhere Migrates: Southern Central America Notes: | |
Western Bluebird (Female) Range: Western North America Habitat: Pine forests, Oak Savannas, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
Western Bluebird (Male) Range: Western North America Habitat: Pine forests, Oak Savannas, Fields Migrates: South Notes: | |
Western Gull Range: Western North America Habitat: Oceans, Coasts, Bays Migrates: Notes: | |
Western Meadowlark Range: Western North America Habitat: Grasslands Migrates: South Notes: | |
Western Tanager (Female) Range: Western North America Habitat: Mixed Forests Migrates: South Notes: | |
Western Tanager (Male) Range: Western North America Habitat: Mixed Forests Migrates: South Notes: | |
White-Crowned Sparrow (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Brush, forest edges, chaparral Migrates: South Notes: | |
White-Crowned Sparrow (Juvenile) Range: North America Habitat: Brush, forest edges, chaparral Migrates: South Notes: | |
White-Crowned Sparrow (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Brush, forest edges, chaparral Migrates: South Notes: | |
White Ibis (Juvenile) Range: Southeast United States Habitat: Freshwater / brackish marshes, Pond Edges, Mudflats Migrates: South Notes: | |
White Pelican Range: North America Habitat: Lakes, Marshes, Salt Bays Migrates: Gulf Coast Notes: | |
Wood Duck (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Wooded swamps, marshes, ponds, rivers Migrates: South Notes: | |
Wrentit Range: Western North America Habitat: Coastal Scrub, Chaparral, Brush Migrates: No Notes: | |
Yellow-headed Parrot Range: California, Florida Habitat: Suburbs, Parks Migrates: Notes: Not Native | |
Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Female) Range: North America Habitat: Open Woods, Brush, Gardens Migrates: South Notes: | |
Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Male) Range: North America Habitat: Open Woods, Brush, Gardens Migrates: South Notes: |
The Rarest and the Longest-Lived - In North America,, there are fewer than 300 California Condors in the wild. This makes the condor our most uncommon bird. Condors live about 60 years in the wild. They live longer in captivity, with some reaching 80 years of age or more! Bird Trivia ~Stan Tekiela
Stay tuned, more birds are to come with each outing.
The photographs contained in this website may not be reproduced without the express consent of Shutter Bison.